Passengers Rights
The Law Office of Jim Zadeh has represented many passengers involved in a car or truck accident. On many occasions the passengers of accidents have been related or friends of the driver, and often times we see that the passenger is reluctant to bring a claim against the driver. From our experience, we noticed that the driver will typically take it upon themselves to help the passenger, especially when they feel responsible for what happen. Most of the time passengers are afraid to file a claim against their friend or family member because they feel it will hurt the relationship, but in actuality the relationship strengthens because of the willingness to help. If you are a passenger involved in a car or truck accident and you feel reluctant to bring a claim against the driver because you know them, then I would advise you to trust your friends to do the right thing. If you are a passenger who has been hurt in a car or truck accident, then call me today so that we may discuss your rights.