Under Texas Law everybody must have automobile insurance. When you speak to an insurance adjuster they want to know if you are wanting full coverage, and sometimes people don't know what that means. Most people know of liability coverage, and that type of insurance only covers the other side's expenses and damages if you are found liable in an automobile accident. However, there are other types of insurance in full coverage, and that includes personal injury protection(PIP), uninsured(UM), underinsured motorist(UIM), rental coverage, collision, and other types of coverage. Under the law when you buy your insurance policy the insurance agent has to show you and has to make available to you the option to buy PIP, UM, UIM, and rental coverage. They also must have you expressly reject those coverages if you choose to not have them in your policy. If you buy insurance and you tell your agent that you want full coverage and they only sell you a liability policy, then the insurance agent must have you sign a written waiver where you are declining Uninsured Motorist coverage (UM), Underinsured Motorist coverage (UIM), and Personal Injury Protection (PIP). If you are able to afford it we highly recommend you buy PIP, UIM, and UM insurance coverage in your policy. We cannot tell you the number of cases we have had where an uninsured or underinsured motorist driver hits our clients and our clients do not have enough coverage in their own insurance policy to cover the damages that they suffered. If you are a driver or passenger that has been involved in a car accident and you would like an experienced attorney to take a look at the insurance policy involved in the accident, then call me today for your free consultation, I will be happy to discuss your rights.